CTiC Annual Gathering & AGM Summary 

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the annual gathering and annual meeting on Saturday 15th June and represent some of the local Churches Together Groups from around our unique county.

We had an enriching morning with the Cumbria Ecumenical Spiritual Group leading the opening worship and the morning session, offering a choice of workshops on the theme: PRAYER - COMING HOME. The feedback was extremely positive; thank you to the group for their contribution to the day and for all that they do.

Lunch was provided, and along with that came the opportunity to chat together, catch up and share stories. This is such an important part of these annual gatherings; food and fellowship go hand in hand.

Freshly nourished we were ready for the business of the annual meeting in the afternoon. There are always some formal elements to this with the presentation of annual reports and accounts but this was also an opportunity to thank those who had stepped down during the year including Andrew Dodd who retired as president. Bill Bewley thanked Andrew on behalf of everyone.

Choosing a reasonably central location for the annual gathering that will be easily accessible for everyone in our county isn’t easy. Things like lakes and mountains seem to get in the way. Newbiggin Village Hall was a very comfortable venue but we are always open to suggestions so please feel free to put forward ideas.

Vice President ~ Revd Richard Snow 

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On the retirement of Andrew Dodd as President, Bill Bewley expressed sincere thanks for his hard work and commitment to ecumenism, and Richard Snow presented him with a gift.
In the light of no current President, Richard Snow (VP) was given a plaque which has been handed to each President in turn over many years.
The Cumbria Ecumenical Spirituality Group led workshops on the theme of ‘Prayer…Coming Home’. 

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email:  admin@churchestogethercumbria.org.uk